Abstract submission

Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for a research poster presentation on the below topics:

  1. “Climate Change and Veterinary Medicine”

  2. “One Health Approach in Veterinary Education”

Posters, which all on-site authors will be asked to print and bring along with them to Turin, will be displayed throughout the General Assembly and the Educational Day, both onsite and on the General Assembly website. Selected posters will be presented as pre-recorded short (maximum 3 minutes) oral presentations during the Poster Flash (12:15-12:45).

Following the Poster Flash, attendants will have the opportunity to view the posters onsite at the DVS, Grugliasco campus, or on the General Assembly website, and to discuss with the authors or representatives during the poster lunch break (12:50-14:00).

The top three posters will be awarded with a poster prize (14:00-14:10) by a committee appointed by the Turin hosts.

Poster Abstract outline:

Title: limited to 125 characters including spaces

Authors and organization

Institution, Department, City, Country

Abstract text: max. 2000 characters (including spaces) describing the objectives and results, including the following points:

  1. Introduction and aim

  2. Materials and methods

  3. Results

  4. Conclusions

Poster format: DIN A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm or 46.81 x 33.11 inch) portrait form only!

Abstract Submission

All abstracts should be prepared in English according to guidelines above and sent by 15th August to Easychair Platform.

The authors will be informed whether their abstracts have been accepted or not by 27th August 2021 and will be invited to send their pre-recorded 3 minute oral presentation to the Turin hosts by 10th September 2021.